How this service works
Is This OK? have created a chatbot as a way to offer information, advice and to provide easy access to our expert team of workers
Is This OK? OKbot is a chatbot that offers confidential information and advice for young people, and easy access to our expert team if you’ve got something you need to talk about or are worried that something doesn’t feel right.

The chatbot can signpost you to other sources of support which you might find helpful or it can put you through to an expert team member; a real person for you to chat to.
The chatbot will share the information you have told it with the team member as a way of introducing you to each other.
You can chat to the team member about anything you are worried about and they will do their best to help.
Our team are experts in offering support and they won’t judge you.
Sometimes, if the team is worried you’re in danger, they may need to share this information with other people who can help to make you safe. They’ll only do this if:
- You ask them to
- They believe your life or someone else’s is in danger
- You’re being hurt by someone in a position of trust who has access to other children, like a teacher or police officer
- You tell them that you’re seriously harming another person
The team will always talk to you about why we would need share those serious concerns and who we were sharing them with.
Speak to our confidential chatbot
Got something you need to talk about? Are you worried that something in your life doesn’t feel right? OKbot is here to help.
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How to delete your chat history
Keeping your conversation private is important. See how to clear your conversation.
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Your privacy
We understand that privacy is important. Click here to learn how to delete your chat history, and how we keep your information safe and private.
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