Work exploitation & modern slavery

If you are a victim of work exploitation or modern slavery, please speak to our chatbot today.

Slavery and exploitation are where someone is forced to work or do things, getting little or no money for what they have to do or any choice about what they are doing.

Examples of this would be:

  • being made to work growing move around or sell drugs;
  • having to have sex or touch people or participating in pornography;
  • clean people’s homes;
  • care for other people’s children;
  • pick-pocket and commit crimes
  • working in restaurants, salons or shops.

This might have been your choice and you are safe and happy but for lots of people they don’t get paid, aren’t free to go out, be with who they want, get an education or change jobs

If you are being exploited or used as a slave of any sort you have a right to speak up and ask for help. This might be quite a frightening thing to do, but be confident you won’t be in trouble and the police will want to make you safe.

You could contact the police directly, or charities or organisations that could help you to access the right support.

You may also have been trafficked into the country which means you were brought here and forced to work.  If you have been trafficked here, there is help for you. You should be seen as a victim of crime and given support and help to be safe. You can get support to claim asylum if it is not safe to go home or given help to go home if you want to return.

You should be able to have the life you want and you have the right to be free, safe and happy. If you need to talk to someone in confidence about what is happening to you, please speak to our chatbot today that can put you through to someone who can help.

Slavery is closer than you think, Home Office

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