Gang involvement

Is This OK? can you give advice and support if you are worried about gangs. Our chat service is a non-judgemental, safe space for young people to talk.

Being part of a gang can provide protection, friendship, money, and status. A gang can be a group of mates from the same school, same area or that just chill together. Some gangs take part in criminal activity and might try to get you involved. Being involved in a gang can be life-threatening.

If you become worried about the kind of things your gang is doing, or if they are trying to pressure you into doing things you don’t want to do such as crime, you may be scared and want to run away to escape it. If you are part of a gang and want to get good advice from people who understand, there are organisations you can reach out to who will not judge you.

  • Away from home or care?
  • Caught up in a gang or going country?

If you have been affected by gangs or County Lines, you can talk to our free, confidential chatbot today for help and advice.

Just a Link?, University of Bedfordshire

Misunderstood, University of Bedfordshire

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