Internet crime & revenge porn

Posting explicit photos of you online without your consent is a crime. If this has happened to you, find out what you should do next.

Revenge porn is any kind of sexual image or video posted online without your consent. This is often an image or video taken by or sent to an ex or someone you’ve been involved with, or in some cases secretly shot footage, as well as photos or videos you may have sent someone who you thought you could trust not to share it.

The law in England and Wales classifies revenge porn as “photographs or films which show people engaged in sexual activity or depicted in a sexual way or with their genitals exposed, where what is shown would not usually be seen in public”.

If you are a victim of revenge porn, it is advised that you do not tell many people about it before you have sought legal help, as it could damage your case. Instead, screen-shot any virtual evidence and contact the police who can help and advise you.




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